Title: Eighth Night Author: afrakaday Word count: 500 Rating: K A/N: Yes, I know - Eighth Night on the twelfth day? I could have planned that out a bit better. This is a one-shot in the Special Prosecutions AU, wherein Bill and Laura are lawyers with a long history together.
So, this is a wee bit late. Because of things. Anyway, I figured since there are holidays and stuff around now, it might be good to let Laura have one, too. So here she is, chilling out Antipodean-styles.
Title: Solstice Wish Author: The Plaid Slytherin (plaid_slytherin) Characters/Pairings: Bill/Saul/Laura Rating: T Summary: Three Solstice wishes in Laur's relationship with Bill and Saul. A/N: Written for rememberlaura's 12 Days of Laura Roslin. Thanks to newnumbertwo for the beta!
So this day kinda snuck up on me, and this isn't what I originally wanted to have ready, but it was close enough. So here's just a little Laura Daybreak graphic.